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Showing posts from May, 2010

Carol Bartz: Pyramids, Not Ladders

Walking along with your careers and making decisions along the way is a difficult choice to make. But then I found this beautiful video presentation given by Carol Bartz who talks about doing lateral things and creating a foundation. I think this is one of the best way an entrepreneur can grow ahead, by doing a lot of lateral works and getting the bigger picture. 

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

This must be one of the most powerful and yet simple presentation on success and failure. Simon Sinek simply puts the basic facts of life with corroborative examples and case studies. The main idea behind the story is that we have three layers of communicating our ideas to people : Why, How and What. If you move from Why to What, you are most likely to succeed but if you move vice-versa, its the opposite.

How Brands should leverage Social Media

Gone are the days, when you would sit in front of your TV set and watch your favorite show bugged by regular advertisements. Today, we store our favorite shows or subscribe to their channels, and watch them when we want to. We are even ready to pay for the favorite shows and watch them. Because contents have become so abundant, the demand for authentic and genuine content is rising. This is not bad because we all seriously need a proper content which adds value to our social life. But when this happens, what will the advertisement agencies do? For many years, firms and companies have been ignoring the rising popularity of social media networks like Youtube. Brands were not just yet ready for the change. But once the cheese is removed from their original place, its best to re-start again. Read Full Article here .

8 Rules of Prototyping

As an engineer or a project leader, it is of utmost importance to get your product ready for the market. And all this starts with an idea of the product itself. Today, the information is so omnipresent that it is easier to get lost into the jungle of products and forget the essence of engineering, which is prototyping. There are many people around us who can build things and do unimaginable things, but there are very few who can make it to the market and succeed. In my years of experience and engineering studies, I have noticed that engineering is all about following the discipline of innovation and being serious about the overall picture of the innovation. Hence comes the importance of prototyping, cause, it’s the initial step which gives you the clear idea on how your product is going to look like and function. Prototyping gives you a vivid idea about the essence of the product and lets you make further decision. Early today, I received a mail from NI instrumentation on their reg