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Showing posts from January, 2016

The day I dreamt of becoming someone

Reading a story is like pealing an onion, each chapters reveal new secrets and show their hidden layers. Everyone has their own story to tell, that is mysteriously connected with the stories of millions of other people living or dead in this planet. We think ourselves as an individual with our own identity and conscience, but NO, we are connected beings not with DNA or through our blood lines - but through our stories. Stories are at the heart of our being, and they are our reasons of living. The physical being of us has no meaning, but as a connected being with millions of other stories, we individually play an important role. So here is my story of dreaming. Story doesn’t begin when we are born, or when we are given a name by the almighty holy priest. It beings when we all hit by our consciences that pushes us to make a decision that transpires our story and defines our character and role in this world. For some it begins early, but for some it begins late. However, it always b