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Entrepreneurship II

lets continue to discuss on this topic of entrepreneurship more. With the world moving so fast in innovations and technology, I ask, can we play any role in it? Many of us do not think that we could have something as big as Microsoft or Sony or IBM. But wait a minute, are we purposely demeaning ourselves. Have we tried hard enough to reject the idea of building any new technology. Are we even encouraging the one, who are trying their best to do so? So lets analyze it.

Is money the biggest hurdle in creating a technology ? My answer is - very rarely. From my point of view, technology does not mean building an expensive machine, it simply means coming with an efficient solution. I have not set any boundary for technology. Its an idea or a faithful solution whose sole purpose is to upgrade the standards of the work. No doubt the capital is also necessary.

Its the fact that all the innovation have started with a dream to solve a particular problem. It will be cliche for me to repeat those achievements. To innovate you don't have to be a rocket scientist, you simply need to understand the needs of the society. If you can identify those areas then the solution will surely knock on your doors.

People fear technology as a job snatcher. Something that causes unemployment, but I see it as the opportunity to explore ourselves. The opportunity to live a different life. Long time back I heard someone say, "We want to learn to fish and not eat the fish exported to us." How true is the statement, we should really be investing in coming with our own technology, our own product. Also we must be able to compete with the world market. Can we? Am I being irritatingly optimistic? If so, do you see any wrong in that. Is it wrong for me to hopefully believe that we can off course compete and produce a world class product?

Very often, I have asked myself the correct way of achieving to my dreams and I find that the only way is to have a clear, long vision and lead. This merely means, on the other hand, being an entrepreneur. It is the fact of our world and it does not need any justification that - The faith of the society lies on the hand of one dreamer. Just one. Imagine if there are more than one. Can anyone stop them to innovated and lead? I wonder.


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