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Showing posts from July, 2012

Why most Entrepreneurs Fail?

Being an Entrepreneur and having walked that path (and still walking), I have come to realize why most Entpreneurs fail. Or in other words what is the life cycle of an Entrepreneurs? And when do most drop-off happen. First Phase You start with a complete ignorance towards your surrounding. The only think you have is an IDEA which you love more than your life. This ignorance slowly starts to come between you and the opportunity. As a result : This experience will either tarnish entrepreneur's faith and hope, or he/she will rise above it and be enlightened. Second Phase If you find yourself in the second phase than it means that you have surpassed the First Phase. Now you are more open to other ideas and open to more opportunities. In a way, you feel that you have identified the truth behind running successful business. But as you move confidently, you come across another aspect of entrepreneurship, self-doubt. While moving confidently, you tend to realize that there is some

Sustainable community and the reality show Format

So here is the idea which I have been pondering among, " how to build a sustainable community?" An important question, I suppose for all the developing and under developing nations. But this is a question not only among the nation builders but also among brands. Today, brands are competing head on to build a community around its services and products. So what is the right way? I suppose there are different methods to it. For example, lets take an analogy: Lets say, I build a house, equip it with furniture and all the necessary resources like food and energy. Then I invite people to come to the house and stay over. I think it will be wrong to assume that the people will finally evolve into a community because this is not how a community is built. This particular format is more like a Reality TV show format, and we all know that this format is not designed to be sustainable but to collapse with time. Because in Reality TV show format, rather than building a community, i